
-這篇去年寫在另一個部落格,用英文寫是因為我逛到PAGE ONE買了幾本外文書(今年還沒看完),想順便練習一下用英文寫作這樣。喔對了,我這陣子有在翻一本英文寫作的書:風格的要素。

7 - 1  




I cut my hair in Mod’s Hair and went to bookstore Page One located in Taipei 101 three days ago. I bought seven ones.


1. CoolBrands An insight into some of Britain’s coolest brands

Pulished by Superbrands in 2005, it introduced many brands which are not just made in UK, such as Asahi and Saab.

Despite fashion always be lastest, I think probably you can find which brand doesn’t shine anymore and what reason caused them  from 2005 til now. (Oh, Alexander McQueenis an comet accident. )

I wonder how BBG, CIM and IPA evaluate a brand is a COOL brand, that’s why I brought it home. It’s very cheap(a man across the booklet also said it), but it’ll bring me knowledge helping me to buy more fu*cking expensive goods.

I’ve overviewed the biggest Taiwan BBS discussion area focused on Fashion Brands, some guys said there is a fashion desert. Well, how much money in your pocket would decieded where you are. Although you’re in Du bai, you still can buy very much(Sex and the City 2). Interesting, isn’t it? That means consumers needs MORE.


2. Ok, next one is Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy by Michael T. Klare.

Much more concerned about worldwide economics and energy.

Long time ago, I wonder why foreingers talked about economics which always toward many countries (I mean, it’s worldwide) and people here usually focused on “Taiwan" more (and complained more).

Then I realized, if I wanna know much more, I should find it by myself. (Or watching Wen-Chen’s TV program, she would introduce many countries’s situation. However, through reading by yourselves, it’ll be yours. ).





3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Yes, I watched the movie about three years ago. Make-up makes everything possible.

I ever took a lesson named “Classic novel analysis" at school. I have some special experience. Students should read novel original text( in Wen-Yan-Wen) and watch movie version, trying to find out symbols in both and analyze how the movie tell you a story.

I don’t want to be a scholar took research on novel or movie but want to know how to turn a story into a screenplay.





4. PRIVATE – A novel by New York Times Bestselling Author KATE BRAIN.

I took it home all because of “Bestselling" and knitwear on the cover. Did you ever think about this question: why it’s bestselling one and the others aren’t?

Novel describes life. In industrial era, most people have standard lifestyle. People get bored so that they need much more recreation. Artists on the screen are professional actor/actress, audience wanna see them and know much more about them: their real life.

Paparazzi come out.

Nevertheless, paparazzi can’t feed them enough. People’s secrets and the shadow behind vanity, fashion brands and fame become top issues, including novels.

*However, if you wanted to know when you can sell them, I should tell you the truth: I don’t know.


5. The Dalai Lama’s Book of Awakening.

I wonder how foreingers know(exactly to say, to comprehend) Buddhism. Based on Scholar Jin’s research: Origins of Certain Key Concepts, people received new knowledge through some concepts or vocabularies which have already existed in their culture or language.

Due to China’s political situation, I believe most of American would think everything opposite to China authorities would be upright, democratic and acceptable. Because Chinese history has their own religions, let Tibetan Buddhism rules China society that’s impossible.

Just like ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it’ quoted Evelyn Beatrice Hall, despite people protect Fa-Lun-Gong’s opinions, we can’t deny the the truth: it’s not legitimized religion in chinese history or world history.


6. Islam and human rights by Muhammad Zafrullah Khan.

Also based on Scholar Jin’s research and Edward Said, I didn’t choose British and American author’s.

Lets try to put war conflicts aside, did you ever try to realize Islam’s beliefs? Most of us accepted lastest information from the TV or newspaper, however, we seldom focused on much deeper meaning and we said: oh, we don’t need it, I’m very busy and it’s not my business. Come on! I’m so tired, plz give me some fun, okay? 

Sometimes, misunderstanding would cause war. Did you think your life could escape from war?

I’ve seen some opinions on newspaper about Christian Jihad. It’s so ridiculous, could you tell me: did God ever tell you to kill people?

It’s very strange that most of people believe they don’t kill people so they are innocent. But they sit and see so many people killed each other and judge them are guilty. 


7. A Painter’s Guide to DESIGN and COMPOSITION.

Well, I have a painting plan combining hand-drawn illustrations, travelscene, photography and poem.

Another is children’s storybook combined hand-drawn illustrations and children poems.

(Including music? Now I think I’m afraid of I can’t do that. )




8. Yes, I can take a painting class in artists studio. But I hope I could read art theory by myself creating my style + build unique personality in art.

To be an artist (seriouly) is one of my dreams. As a eastern creator, how to achieve contemporary chinese art works+theories are very important problems.

I hope artists can create some real art pieces and people could sell them year by year after we die. That’s probably our surplus values for them. 



(Thanks for watching my blog article + my poor grammar. X  After all, it’s not a serious and complete books review)

-wrote on 12, Aug, 2011

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