





細心一點的網友應該有發現這個站的網址是,而Monster Easter是小兔子本人在Twitter以及好幾個社群交友網站所使用的代號。

那麼,為什麼要取Monster Easter呢?一切要從Twitter講起。

簡單地說,小兔子是一隻小怪獸(Little Monster),也就是Lady Gaga/Mother Monster的粉絲/小怪獸。



而兔子使用Easter做為帳號名稱的另外一部分,原因之一是在Little Monster這個群體裡面好像重生得到了新生命並且交到了新朋友(因為環球都是小怪獸的關係),

原因之二是兔子在小怪獸群體裡面是東方人: Easter=East+er(兔子自己亂拆單字的,東方人的英文並不是這個字,好孩子不要學)。

這就是小兔子Born This Way的原因。


但或許是饕餮這兩個字太具有特殊性了,又有一點深奧,不符合Little Monster本身非常popular的性質;

所以就把我當做是復活節小兔子(M.E.是縮寫)吧!也是Mother Monster的小兔子Bunbun!



“I miss you, bubbun. I really have nice time alone here, in the UK, I love you, too.
And tonight, people, you know people said ‘what are you doing, you know when you’re on time off?’ and I was going to a bar, and I was writing music.
The bar, and so I was really nice in the England to sent the night,…(can’t hear clearly) find the pops, you know, there’re being over mad.
And then you know when they go:’I don’t know who you are, are you kidding Lady Gaga?’
I said:’nope!’ I’m just kidding, I said:’yes, I’m going to buy you drinks.’
How you body likes good attention from all the guys, uh?(haha, smile) I’d like to get drunk to bring their hair. So I do really have a good time yesterday when I was in, um, I was, um, in part with joining him to feel today.


So thank you for being so fucking inspiration and also I could write much good music. You are so special, you have no, you have no clue, my life has been so up side down, but, it’s been the biggest fascinating that I have my fans.


You (be interrupted)… you know I don’t usually talk about myself when I do, but, I don’t know about my personal life, my, my grandpa sicked. And I’m really close to my grandpa, and he said he is destined, my dad with him, so I was like cried all day, really sad.
So I thought just to be honest, to tell you that what’s going on.
So my dad call me today, it’s my father’s father, you know I was trying to be really good srtong. And my dad, my dad calls me ‘loopy’, he wonders why I am, whom I do I am now, he’s called me ‘loopy’ since I was a kid. So my dad said, he said do me a favor tonight, and it’s very dedicated Speechless to me, dedicated to my father. So it’s been, it’s been one of those top things that my grandpa too old to come seeing my show. But, I suppose he sings when I was being over here tonight.


See, I can’t never tell you a lie, it’s not enemy.
So this one is for you, grandpa, this record is called Speechless.”
- Lady GaGa’s speech, Live at Nottingham Trent F.M Arena, 27/05/2010

*sorry, some words can’t be recognized,  but I try my best.




最後打個廣告~邦尼愛生活是最新熱騰騰剛出爐的LINE可愛貼圖喔,是由小兔子親手繪製而成。 點下面的網址就可以購買,小兔子請大家多多支持,幫忙買了要記得把連結分享出去!謝謝大家對這個部落格的觀看,小兔子貼圖需要妳們的支持喔!再次感謝!




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